Data Assurance

Precise, Verified, And Error-Free

Ensuring Data Integrity For Better And More Accurate Results

Our Commitment To Your Success

Data quality is a must in the market research industry. Academic and corporate researchers struggle endlessly to secure data quality, spending hours trying to clean and verify their data.

At Outsized Insights, the authenticity of your data is our top priority. We leverage leading-industry tools and practices that refine the quality of your surveys so you can focus on more important tasks.

Clean ID Implementation

CleanID is a sophisticated fraud and duplication detection system that identifies and blocks fraudulent or duplicate survey responses before entering the study, across all our sources. Outsized Insights implements CleanID on every study, at no cost to you, to provide a safer and more secure survey experience for your data collection!

What Does This Mean For Your Business?

Taking Quality Control To The Next Level

Let us Handle your Survey Programming! Although we leverage CleanID on every project, we go the extra mile when also programming your survey by implementing our own proprietary measures to ensure the quality of your data. These measures include:

This allows us to appropriately remove any possible inclusions of bad respondents and incoherent responses that do not coincide with your data.

Optional Sentry technology

Want to raise the bar further? For an extra fee, we can integrate Cloud Research’s ‘Sentry’ which adds real-time respondent verification through attention verification, auto-translation detection, and device-based bot detection. This option is ideal for larger trackers and highly technical, professional audiences where articulate responses are critical.

We Stand By Our Data's Integrity

Outsized Insights takes data integrity seriously; if suspicious or simply unengaged responses are present in your data set, we’ll replace them FREE of charge.

Collaborate With Us For All Your Market Research Needs

Get a head start on growth with our expert market research services. Discover new opportunities and drive success in your industry. Reach out to us now to get started.
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